Sunday, September 2 Mechanicville to Waterford Visitor Center

Off to the laundry early to get that chore finished before brunch. Mom’s Laundromat is a couple of blocks away. It’s very clean with a variety of machines so you can even wash your sleeping bags if so inclined. There is even a change machine and a soap, etc. dispenser.

Once the clean laundry is onboard, we walk over to Faldoni’s Deli for brunch. ( While not as extensive as the brunches at the big hotels in Panama City, there is a very nice selection in a pleasant atmosphere at a good price. Unfortunately we are definitely aging as we found we could not eat half of what we used to at these “all-you-can-eat” events. It seems there really is a reason to charge seniors a lower rate.

By the time we returned to Conepatus it was getting hot. With on other boats on the wall and a relatively short distance to go, we decided to stay put for awhile. Sarah started cleaning and Craig worked on the computer. Before long, a local couple stopped by to chat. He is a crew chief for the military flying to Antarctica and Greenland. He and Craig had a long chat about boats, nuclear plants, Antarctica and other interests they had in common. Sarah chatted with his wife who is often alone to raise their 5 children whom she home schools. We passed a very pleasant time chatting with them. Once they departed, we finished up cleaning the canal dirt off Conepatus’s outside.

About 3 PM we dropped our lines and headed for Waterford. We had seen very few boats all the way down the Champlain Canal. At Fort Edward and at Mechanicville there were only 2 other boats spending the night. We arrived at Waterford to find the electric spots full! It remains to be seen if we will encounter heavier traffic all along on the Erie but this place is relatively busy even though the “amenities” are more readily available at Mechanicville and the electric is free while here it is $10/day.

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